About Us

We have eagerly launched a new website in English. It is the willingness of our team to find a new way to coexist with the mother tongue in a country known for decades for the dominance of the French language in the media landscape.

We are aware that this is a difficult task, especially for those who started their journalistic careers in Arabic, but the challenge is greater than any other emotion. We are ready to make this dream come true with all the passion and dedication it takes.

Our big challenge is to deal with your concerns and to share with you, not only, the diverse stories and issues concerning Tunisia’s regions, civil society, human rights and freedom of the press… in another language that deserves to exist on the national media scene to achieve relative equality between languages in the media sector.

Nevertheless, within the framework of strengthening media pluralism, it is not too late to undertake the crucial project of maintaining linguistic diversity.

We are convinced that the current and new generations deserve this modest project in English, this dominant and useful language, without neglecting other languages, because we will always need to master different languages to the same extent and with the same importance.

Likewise, the new website needs your advice and support to achieve even a small part of the expected objectives promptly.

The team :

Mohamed Neji Ben Gamra: Co-founder and Editor in Chief

Chedly Ben Rhouma: Co-founder and Reporter

Kais Fatnassi: Technical Director

Fathi Ben Mohamed: Collaborator and contributor