Rate of duty-free oil exports to EU down from 27% in 2015 to 19% in 2016 (OTE)

The European Parliament had voted to allow an additional 70,000 tonnes (35,000 per year) of its virgin olive oil to be imported duty free in the EU, in 2016/17, in order to support Tunisia following the 2015 attacks, but data show that the support announced by the EP has not materialised in practice. On the contrary, the percentage of duty-free olive oil exports has decreased from 27% in 2015 to 19% in 2016, down 8%, revealed the Tunisian Observatory of the Economy (French: OTE). According to a note published by…

Tunisia beach massacre case set for next month

The first hearing in the Sousse terror attack case  is set for May 26 rather than April 28 as media reports said, Spokesperson for the Tunis Court of First Instance and Anti-Terror Judicial Pole Sofien Selliti said Saturday. The investigating judge in charge of the case closed the inquiry last summer; there are 51 defendants, including 17 placed under arrest, 27 who remain at liberty and 7 others who are on the run, including Aboubakr Al-Hakim and Chamseddine Sendi. The June 25, 2015 terror attack carried out by Seifeddine Rezgui…

Tunisia Prevented 27,000 Youths from Joining Terror Groups

Tunisia announced on Saturday that authorities had prevented over 20,000 youths from joining terrorist organizations. Interior Minister Hadi al-Majdoub said that since 2012 security forces succeeded in preventing over 27,000 youths from joining the ranks of these groups. These suspects have been barred from traveling to countries witnessing armed conflicts, he explained. He stressed that a travel ban is one of the most important methods that the Interior Ministry has adopted in thwarting youth from heading to conflict zones and getting recruited by terrorists. Tunisian security agencies succeeded in 2016…