Tunisian actor Fares Landoulsi joins MAD Rising Celebrity Unit

Tunisian actor Fares Landoulsi has joined MAD Rising Celebrity, which has been launched by the Cairo-based film marketing and distribution outfit MAD Solutions. It is a new unit dedicated to launching up-and-coming film and TV acting talents from across the Arab world. Along with Fares Landoulsi who featured in Netflix drama “Messiah,” the new MAD Solutions subsidiary has recruited a rich roster of rising Arab actors including Saudi Arabia’s Fatima AlBanawi – who starred in groundbreaking Saudi comedy “Barakah Meets Barakah,” and more recently landed a small role in new…

Elevid successfully launches video correspondence platform

www.elevid.net is the first online platform for professional video-based matchmaking, connecting startups and investors, as well as employers and job seekers, around the world. Founders of Elevid Hedi Samari and Sabine Bastisch presented this concept in a video broadcast in their Elevid Facebook page. Presenting Elevid, Founder and CEO Hedi Samari said ”launched in September 2020, Elevid is the first platform professional matchmaking based on video pitches. It connects users via a one-minute video pitch. The name is a combination of: elevator pitch” an English term that describes a short…

Mobile application improves demolition waste collection in Tunisia

The Ministry of the Environment plans to launch a downloadable application on smartphones to report the anarchic dumping of demolition waste in Tunisia. In 2017, there were more than 290 demolition waste dumps throughout the country. The RE-MED project was launched last October and piloted by Cerema (Centre for studies and expertise on risks, environment, mobility and development). This project covers four Mediterranean countries, namely France, Italy, Tunisia and Lebanon. The RE-MED project will experiment with technologies to transform construction and demolition waste into a resource for building and maintaining…

Migrant arrivals in Italy up 180% in October (FTDES)

Migrant arrivals from Tunisia in Italy have sored significantly this year, FTDES said in a report. The number of undocumented migrants rose 180% compared to the same period last year. 1,328 undocumented migrants arrived in Italy from Tunisia in October 2020 — compared to 381 in October 2019,  the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES) reported recently. The number of undocumented migrants who reached Italy rose 180%. The report said the number of intercepted crossings from Tunisia also increased over the past few years: from 14 in October 2018…

Cairo Festival Opens Registration to Participate in “Film Industry Days”

The Cairo International Film Festival announced the opening of applications for filmmakers’ registration in the third edition of Cairo Film Industry Days, which will be held from 4 to 7 December next, within the activities of the 42nd session of the Cairo International Film Festival (from 2 to 10 December). Through the official website of the Cairo Festival. The registration provides film and television professionals with a set of important professional services, including attending seminars and lectures, which provide Arab talents with strong opportunities to partner with the international film…

LPDF participants have reached agreement on elections, Williams says

Credit goes to Facebook Page of the Presidency of the Republic Acting Head of the UN mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Stephanie Williams said on Wednesday that the participants of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF), held in Tunisia, have reached an agreement on holding free, fair, inclusive and credible parliamentary and presidential elections, within 18 months. Williams added in a press conference that the agreement includes steps to unite institutions and to return displaced people. She also expressed the UNSMIL’s rejection of what she described as “disinformation and disruption campaigns” accompanying…

Tunisia Opens Land Border With Libya, Talks on Flight Resumption Under Way

Tunisia is opening its land border with Libya in accordance with the bilateral sanitary protocol signed on Wednesday, which plans measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, the ForeignAffairs Ministry said in a statement. The new protocol “describes practical measures for organizing the movement of passengers and transportation of goods between the countries through two border crossing points”. It will take effect on November 14, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. TunisianMonitorOnline

Tunisia Has The Most Affordable Internet in Africa — NetCredit

The average cost for 10Mps broadband internet cost in Kenya is USD$68.42 which is a 62.17% of an individual’s monthly income of USD$110.07. Chicago-based online financial service provider; NetCredit has conducted a research to show which countries globally have the most affordable internet. In their research, they used World Bank data to figure out the average monthly wage in nearly every country. Then used Cable.co.uk’s worldwide broadband price research to balance these figures against the cost of a 10Mbps fixed-line broadband package in each location —revealing how much of an average salary in each country one…

Call for applications: All-Around Culture programme for Arab countries

Tunisian cultural association L’Art Rue, in collaboration with the European Union, has launched a call for their All-Around Culture programme for youth‐led cultural and civic initiatives. The programme will be implemented over four years to foster a vital cultural ecosystem as an enabling environment for social and economic inclusion of young people from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, Musicin Africa.net reports. The programme accepts applications from youth‐led cultural and civic initiatives and aims to encourage community-based and contextual projects using collaborative approaches. It also aims to raise…

Virtual business meetings between Tunisian entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from 12 African countries

Tunisia’s Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX) in Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) announces virtual professional meetings between entrepreneurs, businessmen and women from Tunisia and their counterparts from 12 Sub-Saharan African countries, to be held on November 18, 19 and 20, 2020. According to the CEPEX of Tunisia in Abidjan, the initiator of these meetings, this new mode of exchange and partnership is justified by the context of the global health crisis to Coronavirus (COVID-19), which does not allow face-to-face meetings. These virtual meetings are aimed at stakeholders operating in the sectors of agri-food,…