IMF to discuss with Tunisia plans for fund assistance

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been in contact with Tunisian authorities after a new cabinet was formed last week and more talks are expected soon on the type of aid required by Tunisia, Middle East and Central Asia Department Director Jihad Azour said. Tunisia faces the risk of a debt restructuring after struggling to bring its high public debt and fiscal deficits onto a sustainable trajectory. “The IMF is closely monitoring the evolving political situation in Tunisia and IMF staff are engaging with the authorities at a technical level”,…

Phosphate production reach 2.7 million tonnes over first nine months of 2021

Tunisia Phosphate production reached 2.7 million tonnes in the first nine months of 2021 down from previous expectations of about 3.4 million tonnes, Gafsa Phosphate said on Tuesday Tunisia produced about 8.2 million tonnes of phosphate in 2010. That had dropped to 3.1 million tonnes last year and production is expected to be 3.7 million tonnes this year.  Tunisia was one of the world’s largest producers of phosphate minerals, which are used to make fertilisers, but its market share fell after the 2011 revolution. TunisianMonitorOnline