Record Number of Journalists Jailed in 2016, Press Advocacy Group Says

At least 81 journalists are imprisoned in Turkey, all of them facing anti-state charges, in the wake of an unprecedented crackdown that has included the shuttering of more than 100 news outlets. The 259 journalists in jail worldwide is the highest number recorded since 1990. More journalists are jailed around the world than at any time since the Committee to Protect Journalists began keeping detailed records in 1990, with Turkey accounting for nearly a third of the global total, CPJ found in its annual census of journalists imprisoned worldwide. Amid…

Euronews journalists, technicians clash with management

Euronews journalists passed a no-confidence vote in the broadcasters’ management and adopted a statement saying that their media could no longer be seen as an independent and balanced voice. An internet poll conducted on 6-7 December shows that out of 291 journalists and technicians at Euronews, 205 (70.4%) said they don’t trust the company’s management, and only 34 (11.7%) said they did. 52 expressed no opinion (17.9%). The trade union Force Ouvrière adopted a statement saying that at the moment, Euronews is no longer an organisation with a European approach…

SNJT president sends letter of protest to Dean of Tunisian Order of Lawyers

Neji Bghouri President of the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) addressed a correspondence on Thursday December 8, in which he focused on the tensions erupted between the lawyers and the journalists. He pointed out that” the dignity of journalists is a red line that must not be crossed”. Such a speech is not strange from Bghouri who is committed for defending all the journalists in such cases by protecting them from any aggression. It is worth reminding in these crucial circumstances, the historical coexistence between journalists and lawyers during…

HAICA reports audiovisual media profile of parties

The Independent High Broadcasting Authority (French/HAICA) released today its periodic report on political pluralism in Audiovisual Media for the first quarter  of 2016. This study conducted by HAICA showed that parties represented in the House of the People’s Representatives (HPR) recorded the highest rate in television channels, followed by the government , the parties not represented in HPR as well as the  Presidency of the Republic occupies the last rank. However, Ennahdha party is at the top of political parties present in television channels followed by Nida Tounes and the…

Press-Abuse: SNJT denounces scale of redundancies and precarious employment

(TAP) – The National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) recorded over 180 cases of journalists being dismissed, over 480 cases of non-payment in time of journalists’ wages for a one- year period (September 2015-September 2016), said Union President Neji Bghouri. Describing the abuse of “dangerous index and threat to the journalist profession in Tunisia,” Bghouri said during a workshop organized, on Wednesday by the SNJT on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day to End impunity For Crimes Against Journalists, that precarious employment of journalists and non-regulatory contractual…

A call for justice for killed journalists ahead of International Day to End Impunity, 2 November

(UNESCOPRESS) – While the vast majority of murderous attacks on media workers remain unpunished, UNESCO welcomes an increase in the number of Member States showing stronger will to monitor and report on these crimes. This encouraging sign comes as UNESCO and its partners prepare to mark the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November. It emerges from the Report by the Director-General of UNESCO on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity, which will be presented to UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme…